
Putting Movement

2021-04-15 14:26
There is a wide variation of putting techniques used among both skilled and average golfers. The pendulum action stroke was widely advocated for being the most effective in terms of controlling accuracy and distance control. However, this stroke has its problems and this is evident in how many pros still struggle with putting and regularly miss short putts.

Pendulum Action –

When putting the club and arms should swing back and through as a unit, with no additional movement from the wrists or elbows. They should swing back and through the target with a tempo that resembles that of a pendulum. Due to this movement, it is a given that the putter head is likely to move upwards or downwards. With longer putts, this will be even more evident. The only point that the club is completely balanced and square to the target is at the impact point. This means the likelihood of getting it right every time is very small.

Suppressed Parabola Action

The perfect pendulum stroke would be uniform in pace and path, from start to finish, and would hit the ball squarely every time. Of course, no human is capable of doing this every time. This is why minimizing the arc would provide a better opportunity to deliver the putter head to square at impact. By enhancing the balanced area, it would be easier to maintain a state of equilibrium in the impact zone. Thus it is evident that the less curvature a stroke has, the easier it is to control the putter. This is why the ‘straight back, straight through’ stroke is the most effective. The aim needs to be to build a stroke as close as possible to a perfectly straight stroke. Skilled golfers already keep the putter.